If you are an Utility or User of Arresters
ArresterWorks can help you in the following ways.
- Are you getting the highest return on your reliability budget? If not arresters can help.
- Are you using the correct arrester?
- Are you using the most cost effective arrester on you system?
- Is your supplier giving you the straight scoop?
- What are your alternatives in the arrester supply industry?
- What's coming down the pike as a better arrester in cost and performance?
- Do you have a need for specialized training for yourself or staff?
- Do you want to improve your overvoltage protection of your system at a lower cost?
- Do you want an analysis of your systems ability to withstand lightning?
- Do you have new personnel that need training, but cant afford the time to send them away?
- Do you want a neutral opinion about different arrester designs?
- Do you have a lightning problem that won't go away?
- Do you have a new system that needs analysis for overvoltage protection options?
- Does your team need continuing education credits
- Have you experienced arrester failures and need assistance in analysis
- Do you need an insulation coordination study completed
- Are you planning a series capacitor project, ArresterWorks can help in the dimensioning of the MOVs
- Do you want to reduce your outages on a transmission line. ArresterWorks can help.