Jonathan Woodworth
at ArresterWorks
+1 (716) 307-2431
or Send Email
for a quote or to discuss.

Substation Arrester Condition Assessment

The "When to Replace?" Question

"When is the right time to remove old arresters from the system?" is a question that is asked every day by asset managers around the world. The answer is not an easy one because the condition of the arresters are generally not known. The following questions remain unanswered:
  1. Are they still protecting?
  2. What is the risk of failure?
  3. How much longer can they be used?
  4. If they fail, are they a risk to nearby equipment?
  5. How many do I have on the system?
  6. How much will it cost to replace them?
  7. How much effort is involved in removal?
  8. What are the benefits of leaving them installed?
  9. What are the benefits of removal?
ArresterWorks can assist asset managers in answering the above questions by employing a Substation Arrester Condition Assessment. This assessment consists of the following steps.

Pre Site Visit Meeting

  • Set clear objectives and identify all locations that need assessment
  • Initial training of personnel is desired by client.
  • Review existing data.

Site Visit Along with client personnel as desired by the client, each site is assessed and the following competed.

  • Arrester Losses measured using state of the art watts loss metering.
  • Arrester age and type recorded.
  • Arrester thermal profile measured.
  • Arrester physical condition assessed.
  • Arrester location relative to protected equipment documented.
  • Protected equipment assessed BIL, BSL and Age.
  • Arrester Failure mode type determined.
  • Permanent monitoring equipment installed if desired.
  • New arrester installation options analyzed.
  • Complete set of photos collected.

Arrester Condition Assessment Report and RecommendationsWithin one week of the site visit, there will be a complete report on the visit with the following.

  • Condition of the assets relative to residual life
  • Losses summarized.
  • Failure mode analysis
  • Margin of Protection Analysis
  • Recommendations for replacement if necessary
  • Purchase assistance if desired.
  • Installation change recommendation if necessary
  • Recommendation on monitoring options.
Arrester Condition Assessment Brochure
Seal Pumping Explanation
Arrester Pressure Relief Considerations
Training Options

Call ArresterWorks at +1 (716) 307-2431

Email for a quote or to discuss this issue.

Arrester Pressure Relief Considerations

Seal Pumping Explanation

Arrester Asset Management Training

This training can be at your site or brought to you via a Web Presentation, both from ArresterWorks.

Training Topics

  • Replacement Risks
  • Non-replacement Risks
  • Potential Protective Margin Improvement or Not
  • How to Assess the Health of the Arrester
  • How to Identify the Age and Type of Arrester
  • How to Measure the Losses of an Arrester
  • How to Analyze the Protective Zone of the Arrester