Arrester Selection Guide


Select an ANSI Arrester


Select an IEC Arrester


Select Arrester Type

Select AC Rating (Rating/MCOV)
  • Distribution Arrester
  • Station Arrester
    • Simple Table
  • Transmission Line Arrester
Check Margin of Protection

Evaluate Energy Handling

Evaluate Failure Mode

Check Mounting and Environmental Constraints

Select Arrester Type

Select AC Rating (Ur/Uc)
  • Class 1
    • Simple Table

    • ArresterFacts 016
  • Class 2-5
    • Simple Table
  • Transmission Line Arrester
Check Margin of Protection

Evaluate Energy Handling

Evaluate Failure Mode

Check Mounting and Environmental Constraints

This page is under development and modules will be added over the next several months.

April 13, 2009
Started Page
Added ANSI Section on AC Rating Distribution Arrester Selection

Simple Arrester Selection Table for ANSI Arresters

This table agrees with IEEE Standards and all Suppliers of Arresters

[ * ] Cooper Power Systems Evolution Arrester Rating

Simple Table for Arrester Selection for IEC Systems

This table agrees with IEC Standards and all Suppliers of Arresters

About this Guide
This Selection Guide is 100% neutral in its selection process. Even though there may be links to suppliers, there is no preference in the selection process.

If you see any potential improvements or errors, please let me know at

Many Thanks for Using for your source of Arrester and Surge Protection Knowledge.

Jonathan Woodworth