To Contact
Jonathan Woodworth
at ArresterWorks
+1 (716) 307-2431
or Send Email

eConsulting on Surge Protection

Using the Latest Communication Technologies to Find Solutions Sooner and More Efficiently

For the organizations that needs an experts help on a surge protection issue Right Now and you do not want to initiate a long term high cost project. You just want to solve this issue and move on. Using everyday video and internet technologies, you can do it with eConsulting at ArresterWorks.

Can You Identify with any of These?
Surge Event Recovery: If you have just had an outage related to lightning or any surge event and you want to better understand it or find the root cause.

Small Enterprise: If you are a small organization and do not have a surge protection expert on your staff, but you have a surge related problem to fix.

Lost Experience: If your team has lost experience due to retirement or job changes.

Just a Quick Question: If you just have a few quick questions to help you purchase or specify an arrester, but do not have the expertise to do it confidently.

Design Support: If you have a product that needs another perspective from an expert, or if you have new line or station that could use a quick look to make sure the surge protection is covered.

Expanding Team Expertise: If you have an excellent team, but want to expand its capability in the surge protection area.

Just Need to Get It Done NOW: If you cannot wait for the learning curve and need expertise right now.

If you can identify with any of the above scenarios, you may want to contact ArresterWorks for help. We are a small team that responds rapidly and knows how to find the underlying issues Right Now.

How It Works
This eConsulting service can be initiated immediately and take effect immediately. No Complicated Contract, No Quoting, No Waiting for Approvals. There are several levels of service available. Payment is with Credit Card through a secure signup or with a contract as simple as an Email of an Authorized person. If a confidentiality agreement is needed, we will accommodate your standard form. Audio calls, video calls, email, photo exchanges and many other internet based communication techniques are used to provide the rapid response we guarantee. No waste of resources traveling and no waste of time waiting for the expert to get involved.

Cost Effective: Hiring an expert is nearly an impossibility these days with so much generalization of skills in the industry. Then when you find them they are often too expensive since they have years of experience. Using the Surge Protection Team allows you to pay only when you use the expertise and no more.

No Learning Curve: Training a person to understand surge related issues has a several year learning curve due to the nature of the topic and so few to learn from. This service has a Zero Time technical learning curve. The Surge Team hits the ground running and solves the problems Right Now.

Minimal Investment: This service allows the client to invest only a few hours of their time and no organizational time looking for a person to fill a position or solve a surge problem. There is no time wasted with contracts, personnel issues, travel time or learning curves.

No Personnel Issues: Because this is a rapid service, there is no red tape to go though, no personnel issues to resolve, no delay in getting to the issue and solving the problem. The Surge Protection Team has years of experience in problem solving with teams and can be used to lead or follow in a team environment.

Virtual Employee: Because this service is a yearly service, it can be used as a temporary employee replacement or as a long term enhancement of the team. With the use of the many forms of communications technology, this service can be used any where there is phone or internet service. Travel to sights is seldom necessary using technology and this service.

Rapid Response Services as part of eConsulting Agreement
Distribution Arrester Failure Analysis.........500 USD/Arr
Station Class Arrester Analysis..................800 USD/Arr
Purchase Spec Review..............................300 USD
Engineering Standard Review....................500 USD
Test Report Review....................................500 USD
New Arrester Teardown and Anlysis.........1000 USD
Patent or Patent Application Review.........1000 USD
Margin of Protection Analysis......................500 USD
TLA Transient Analysis.............................2000 USD

eConsulting Services

eConsulting Purchase Options

If you have a surge protection problem, we can help. A simple 2 hour consult can go a long way. Select the option that fits the situtation best and we can get started on the solution to the issue.

e-Consulting Options

Contact ArresterWorks
+1 (716) 307-2431
+1 (716) 378-1419
or Send Email