
Arrester History is just my fun page. If you have any interesting historical photos of arresters to add, just let me know, I would love to add them here and elsewhere.

1988 Varistor Conference Photo

This photo was taken at the 2nd International Varistor Conference held at GE Corporate Research and Development Center Schenectady NY in 1988. ArresterWorks is trying to connect the photo and list of attendees. Anyone that can identify more attendees than listed in the identified atendee table can help by emailing List of Attendees. . List of Identified Attendees

History of Arrester Used on Power Systems in the US
Cover of History Article For the first time, a complete history of surge arresters used on power systems in the United States has been published. This history takes you from the first lightning protection devices to the latest polymner housed arresters of today. It comes in 4 parts and can be downloaded below.

US History of Arresters 1750-1890
US History of Arresters 1890-1930
US History of Arresters 1930-1965
US History of Arresters 1965-Present

A Concise History of Lightning Protection

History of Lightning Protection
Thomas Edison's Arrester Patent Article
Patent 476,988

Thomas Edison's Arrester Patent Article

Early History of Arrester Disconnectors
Thomas Edison's Arrester Patent Article
First Arrester Indicator Patent
First Arrester Disconnector Patent
Wanted Information Leading to the Discovery of Why Arresters are Grey

The Bennett Arrester Story
The Bennett Arrester Story
This is a story about a different type of arrester design. The arrester was named after the inventor Charles E Bennett. Enjoy

Original Bulletin from 1924
1925 Patent on this Arrester

So Where did the term Lightning Arrester come from?
Where were the First Arresters installed?

Musings on the Origins of the Lightning Arrester examines the questions above.

Musings on the Origins of the Lightning Arrester

Documents of interest associated with Musings are
1847 Paper by Joseph Henry on Lightning
1852 Historical Sketch on the Telegraph and Arr
1855 US Patent on Atmospheric Discharger
1860 US Patent on Lightning Arrester

In 1907 the battle for market share and design domination was in full swing between the GE and Westinghouse companies. The Electrolyte Arrester Story provides a peek at what the battle entailed.

The Electrolyte Arrester Story
Click here for Close up of the Arrester

Crystal Valve Brochure 43 Years
The Electric Supply Services Co Brochure 43 Years
(2.1meg PDF)

The Crystal Valve Arrester Story
The Crystal Valve Arrester Story

The Line Material Company
The Line Material Company

1950 Westinghouse Arrester 1-08 (PDF 270k)
The Line Material Company

1949 500kV Westinghouse Arrester Ad 2-08 (PDF 760k)
1949 500kV Westinghouse Arrester Ad