Arrester and Power System Photo Gallery
Lightning Damage to Distributon Poles
We received these pole photos from Newfouldland recently and are wondering how prevalent this type of damage is. If you have experienced this type of lightning damage let us know... Jonathan Woodworth

Mystery Photo - Created by Nature
Recently while walking the beach on the Atlantic coast in South Florida, we came across these rocks that had just been washed ashore. At first we thought they were just a neat ocean formation, but after looking more closely, we believe them to be fulgurites.
Fulgurites are hollow tubes that are formed in sand or soil by lightning strikes. They are formed when the high temperature generated by the lightning strike instantaneously melts silica and fuses the grains together. Fulgurites can also be produced when a high voltage electrical distribution network breaks and the lines fall onto a conductive surface with sand beneath. They are sometimes referred to as petrified lightning.
The tubes can be up to several centimeters in diameter, and meters long. The longest fulgurite found is a little over 4.9 meters in length, and was found in northern Florida, USA. Their color varies depending on the composition of the sand they formed in, ranging from black or tan to green or a translucent white. They are root like in appearance and often show branching or small holes.
We have searched for other explanations and to date have not found any. We welcome any comments. Jonathan Woodworth
Where are the Arresters (Oct 2012 ArresterNews Mystery Photo)
The following arrester and power system photo collection is available for use by anyone. We just ask that if you do use any of them, that you give ArresterWorks credit. All these photos have been taken by ArresterWorks. If you have a particular arrester photo that is not in this collection, contact Jonathan Woodworth to check for availability.
How many types of Insulations or Types of Insulators can be found on this Distribution System Pole
Mystery Device on French Transmission Line..... What is it????
Power Line in Southern Idaho March 2012
144kV Uc Arresters protecting Windfarm Collector Substation
144kV Uc Arresters with grounded bottom terminals and with insulated leads. A miss installation
161kV Disconnector
230kV Polymer Insulator
Ancient Transmission Towers near Niagara Falls
Arresters protecting 230kV Windfarm collector transformer
Dead End Porcelain Insualtors and Line Arresters
Distribution System Withstanding Ice Storm
Distribution Transformer with Gapped SiC Arrester Protection showing Gap
GE Alugard Silicon Carbide Arrester after many years of service near Niagara Falls
Horizontally Mounted Arrester
Horizontally Mounted Arrester 2
Distribution System Withstanding Ice Storm 2
Distribution System Withstanding Ice Storm 3
Distribution System Withstanding Ice Storm 4
Line Arresters protecting Transmission Line Switches 2
Line Arresters protecting Transmission Line Switches
Mobile Sub with Arresters
Parallel arresters used as a online spare in Mexico
Pole top switch with Arrester Protection
Sectionalizer with arrester proteciton
Station Class arresters on 34.5kV windfarm collector bus
TEPCO 1100kV Transmissioin Tower Base
TEPCO 1100kV Transmission Tower and Line
Transmission Line Arresters 35kV System
Transmission Line Arresters