To Contact
Jonathan Woodworth
at ArresterWorks
+1 (716) 307-2431
or Send Email

Training Options by ArresterWorks

Training in the area of surge protection of power systems is a continuing need throughout the industry. ArresterWorks can assist you in many ways.

Onsite Training Opportunities
Customized Courses
This training option brings ArresterWorks to your site with a customized training session developed just for you. This conventional learning experience can be from 1-3 days in length and is designed to fill your specific training needs. Each attendee receives a full set of presentation slides plus other training text as available. This training can also be used by many for their continuing education credits. Examples of course outlines can be seen on our "On Site Training Page"

Profession Developement Courses
Courses for the professional interested in PHD credits are also available. These courses follow a defined outline and are designed to provide power system professionals useful training on surge protection. The courses vary from 4 credit courses to 12 hour courses. The outline of these courses can be seen here. PHD Credit Courses

eSeminars are a live online based learning experience. This training option consists of all the topics offered in our onsite training, however they are offered in short sessions online. eSeminars offer those with training needs the opportunity to learn without the expense and time of travel. All that is needed is a high speed internet connection and the desire to learn.
A complete list of the eSeminar courses can be found on our "eSeminar Page"
If you don't see a topic you are interested in that relates to surge protection on our eSeminar page, let us know and we will try to accomodate.

Personal One-to-One Online Training
Personal One-to-One seminars are similar to the eSeminar option except they can be privately scheduled and the particants are arranged by you. They can be for a single person or for a group. They can be customized to your training needs for optimal effectiveness. The topics available for this type of training are the same as those found in the eSeminar series. Contact Jonathan Woodworth for more informatioin about this learning option.